Ahead of the upcoming Ecological Threat Report 2021, we’re taking a look back at some of the key findings from the ETR 2020, which measures the ecological threats that countries are currently facing and provides projections to 2050.

Resource Scarcity Hotspots

The least peaceful countries in the world are facing the most severe levels of resource scarcity, the Ecological Threat Register (ETR) finds.

Seventeen of the 28 most resource scarce countries in the world are located in sub-Saharan Africa, with another four in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and South Asia.



MENA is the least peaceful region and sub-Saharan Africa is the fourth least peaceful region, according to the Global Peace Index.

What is resource scarcity?

Resource scarcity highlights the vulnerability of countries and regions to increasing environmental stress and is particularly important in the context of low and lower middle-income countries, which are likely to have higher population growth.

Low-income countries also tend to be less peaceful with lower levels of Positive Peace.



These countries lack the resilience

The combination of lower income and lack of peacefulness indicate that most of these countries lack the resilience to address the high level of resource scarcity by themselves.

Less peaceful countries lack the coping capacities to address resource scarcity shocks. These countries have lower coping capacities due to unsustainable population growth, low or declining economic growth, high poverty rates and greater prevalence to food insecurity.

Nearly two thirds of the countries experiencing food insecurity, water stress and high population growth are either low or very low peace countries.





Vision of Humanity

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Vision of Humanity is brought to you by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), by staff in our global offices in Sydney, New York, The Hague, Harare and Mexico. Alongside maps and global indices, we present fresh perspectives on current affairs reflecting our editorial philosophy.