Supporting the UN Counter Terrorism Coordination Compact

The United Nations Secretary General has addressed the first meeting of the newly formed UN Global Counter Terrorism Coordination Compact noting the latest data released by the Institute for Economics on Peace.

The recently released Global Terrorism Index (GTI) provides the worldwide public and international experts with robust data-driven analysis on the terror phenomenon.

For more than six years, IEP has developed a comprehensive evidence-base to better understand the patterns, tactics and drivers behind terrorist activity, as part of the organisation’s broader mission to measure the forces shaping peaceful societies.

In his speech, UN chief Antonio Guterres noted that despite recent advances in addressing terrorism, global risks remain:

“Despite recent successes against Da’esh and its affiliates, the threat posed by returning and relocating fighters, as well as from individuals inspired by them, remains high and has a global reach.

This year’s Global Terrorism Index by the Institute for Economic and Peace, indicates that despite a 27% fall in the number of deaths from acts of terrorism worldwide, the impact of terrorism remains widespread, with 67 countries experiencing deadly attacks.  This is the second highest recorded number of countries in the past twenty years.

The risk is higher when we consider less sophisticated attacks against soft targets that are difficult to prevent.

We have also witnessed the rise of violent extremism, that is conducive to terrorism, in many different contexts.”


Mr Guterres said the new compact between 36 United Nations entities – plus INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization – will provide a clear framework and solid platform for cooperation. Read the full speech.

The GTI is a comprehensive measure of the direct impact of terrorism worldwide covering 163 countries and covers 99.7 per cent of the world’s population.

Read and download the full Global Terrorism Index report.