The Global Peace Index 2017 launched yesterday to extensive media coverage, a ‘Top News’ spot on Twitter and included a mention from acting legend Forest Whitaker.

Global Peace Index 2017 Media Coverage

Now in its eleventh year, the 2017 GPI launched yesterday with international media selected a variety of angles, from peace in the U.S. and the Trump effect, the increase in terrorism to the rise in levels of peace.

The HuffPost lead with the North American deterioration in peacefulness:

BBC News took a more positive note, leading with the slight increase in global peacefulness:

The Thomson Reuters Foundation focused on deterioration in North America and the Middle East:

Forest Whitaker focused on the cost of violence in 2016, asking his audience to imagine where better the money could be spent:

The report also received broad coverage among peace-focused organisations, which included the U.S. Institute of Peace, Peace Direct and International Alert who shared key findings and report content with their audiences.