
Italian GPI 2024 launch event

Presentation of the 2024 GPI at the Socia Circolo degli Esteri in Rome (Social club Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


Italian GPI 2024 launch event

  • Hosted by

    Circolo degli Esteri

  • Location

    Circolo degli Esteri, Lungotevere dell'Acqua Acetosa 42,Rome

  • Date

    26 June 2024

  • Time

    16:30 UTC

Join us for the presentation of the 2024 Global Peace Index at the Socia Circolo degli Esteri in Rome, as we examine the recent developments in the field of peace and security, with experts from the sector.

The event will be hosted by Bernardo Venturi, Head of Research and Co-Founder, Agency for Peacebuilding and Serge Stroobants, Director for Europe and MENA, Institute Economics and Peace. The session will be moderated by Giulia Ferraro from Inclusive Peace.

For info and registration contact: [email protected]