Institute for Economics & Peace
September 9, 2021
10:00 CET / 18:00 AEST
The recent fall of the government of President Ashraf Ghani and the second rise of the Taliban to power was stunning in its rapidity, but not surprising in its outcomes.
Many of the underlying causes and drivers of instability and conflict in Afghanistan have existed for a long time and have been well recorded in IEP indices and registers, and these causes and drivers had shown exacerbation recently, making instability and conflict more likely.
There is a long history of resource degradation leading to conflict and conflict further degrading the resources – a vicious cycle.
Our analysis is that these underlying causes and drivers of instability are likely to continue to frustrate efforts for peace and federalised governance in Afghanistan into the future with the Taliban likely to struggle with its own challenges to peace.
This webinar will be moderated by IEP's Lea Perekrests, Deputy Director of Operations, IEP Europe & MENA and will be joined by:
IEP has released an Afghanistan: Conflict & Crisis briefing that accompanies this webinar - it can be downloaded.
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