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Donations help us increase our impact into the future, and we will always use your gift to support our vital mission.

Our mission is to create a paradigm shift in the way the world thinks about peace. Today, we ask for your support to help us to impact the lives of millions around the world, showing that peace is an achievable measure of human wellbeing and development.

What is Vision of Humanity?

Vision of Humanity is a product of the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP). The platform is a destination for peace providing analysis, data, and global news coverage through a lens of peace, security and development.

We are entirely independently funded and non-partisan, reaching more than 2 million unique visitors each year via this website with positive and intelligent insight, resources and media. As an organisation, IEP reaches more than 3 billion people each month with peace, conflict and economic research. Our activities are focused on research, consulting and training, with the aim of creating a paradigm shift in the way the world thinks about peace.

What is the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP)?

IEP is a not-for-profit think tank dedicated to building a greater understanding of the social, political and economic factors that create and sustain peace through data-driven research, global communications, strategic partnerships and well-timed outreach.

Your support will be used to fund this Vision of Humanity platform, along with IEP’s other communication, partnership and outreach activities.

We thank you for your support.