COP28 Media Center, Green Zone
12 December 2023
2:15 PM (GST)
On the occasion of COP28 convening in the United Arab Emirates, TRENDS and the Atlantic Council are hosting their 3rd Annual Conference on Sustainable Security: The Soft and Hard Implications of Climate Action.
This year’s Conference will explore how climate change is shaping the worlds of finance and security internationally. The event’s plenary and panel sessions will offer unique perspectives that focus on the consequences of climate on conflict, the financing gap ahead of the energy transition, pioneering green technologies, as well as the voices of tomorrow that will inevitably inherit today’s policies—all to elicit insights from practitioners and experts from the region and beyond to formulate recommendations for policymakers.
Mr. Serge Stroobants from IEP Brussels will be speaking on Session 2: “The Effects of Climate Change on Political Conflict.” addressing Ecological Threats and the potential for conflict.